My sculpture idea 

I have been strongly influenced by Anna mendetia and her land art

 For my sculpture I want to do something along those lines- make something out of natural materials- and photograph it like she does.

I want to do a a skeleton, that looks like it’s just been left there, and nature is claiming it.

I will the photograph it in different locations.

Understanding photoshop workshop

  • The manipulation of photographs.
  • A set number of pixels
  • Based on mathematical equations.
  • Can use a combination of those three colours
  • Different temperatures of all colours
  • File types

Destructive v non destructive:

  • Destructive: unable to get back to original image
  • Non destructive: keeps all images deprecate and in tact
  • Always check image size when downloading- look at how many pixels
  • Bigger the better
  • File-new- pick a size
  • Then work with the image on the size you want

Ana Mendieta

This was the artist I found to be the most inspiring. The way she combines nature and the human body really intrigues me, and sparked many ideas of my own.

I just find her work profoundly beautiful and moving, which, in my opinion, I think a lot of modern art lacks. gl_6268-a_-_on_giving_life_small240797_10150174788521746_6871722_o02-mendieta1-1030x782

Land art

Image result for land art

Image result for land art

Image result for land art

Image result for land art

out of everything I’ve looked at, land art definitely excites me the most and this is what I plan to base my own sculpture. I love the idea of using only natural materials, and maybe only being able to experience the piece through documentation.

Sculpture inspiration

Some artists that’s have taken my interest include:jbff9kvdnbf0eh4gieku

Joseph Cornell, he uses found things and things he’s collected to create little box worlds and scenes. His work has a very sentimental feel to it, which is what I think draws me to it.

Cold Dark Matter: An Exploded View 1991 by Cornelia Parker born 1956iq6xgq8y5l6kkbhl52mrCornelia Parker’s work could be classed as installation but I am a big fan. Her work creates a big impact, and usually has a strong message. I especially liked this exhibition she did and how the pieces were displayed together. Having the exploding shed and a kind of war memorial together makes the pieces create an even bigger impact, and made me realise how important the curation/ presentation stage is. Image result for pascale marthine tayou

Pascale Marthine Tayou, combining natural and unnatural materials.

‘Impossible sculpture’

The impossible sculpture I have designed is one of a baby building Stonehenge (like building blocks).

The sculpture would be 75ft tall and made of wax. It would look as realistic as possible.


For the audio, we wanted to achieve something to fit in with the video, something fragmented and a bit confusing.

So we decided to mash up found clips and music to make an original sound to put over our video.

I saw this video in a different lecture, and thought of our video while he was speaking.2017-02-01.png

We thought that it would be good to have his voice over some bits of the music, for example at the beginning where he is talking about how an artist has a risk of going mad. I have seen the voice over done in other videos such as Tacita Dean’s Green Flash, and it has given these videos a very profound and meaningful feel. That’s what I want for our video too.

I also found videos such as this which would sound good mashed in with our music.

There are snippets from this one would be good too.


We decided on filming in two locations: the art block, and the woods.

This was mainly because we needed to make a mess and these places were ideal for that. But the art block was a perfect location for our video due to the entirely white surroundings, it was a good contrast to the colourful paint.

The forest was a sort of representation of freedom and our artists ‘wild side’, somewhere she could go and be her self and not be judeged-somewhere inclosed and secluded.

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